søndag den 23. januar 2011

"International blog" - på engelsk, hvis du nu er i tvivl.. ;-)

This is going to be an experiment: This time my blog will be in english.
I don't really know, why to do that; it just seemed obvious to write in English, since this webside (apparantly) is international.

so, whoever you are: Welcome to my blog/diary/thoughs - something.

Today it's Sunday; the day before Monday; the day after Saturday AND the last day in the weekend! What I've been doing during the weekend is: Sleeping, watching TV, texting friends, reciving messages, writing here - on my blog, falling in love, going to a party, checking Facebook for "new, exciting" updates, relaxing....

You know; Just plaine "nothingness-doing", or something :-)

Now, however, my daddy keeps on telling me to go to bed, and since I haven't had slept a lot the past week, I should probably obey him... Just for once :-D

So: Goodnight, dear you, and I'm sorry for alle the wrong spelling and grammar fails... I'm neither English, nor perfect..


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